Repair and rewear your glasses
Repair and rewear your glasses and sunglasses. Fix broken glasses, from emergency remedies to our glasses restoration services - better for both planet and pocket.
Shopping secondhand glasses and sunglasses
It’s Secondhand September and it’s not just for clothing, secondhand glasses and sunglasses are a sustainable investment in both your pocket and our planet.
Buying prescription glasses online
Our handy how to guide is here to help you buying prescription glasses online. With our eco friendly, try at home glasses service and our style and fit tips, we’re here to help make your glasses journey both sustainable and stress free..
Plant a tree for the Jubilee
Did you know for every pair of planet friendly glasses or sunglasses we sell, we plant a native tree right here in the UK. This year we’re also planting trees for the Queens Green Canopy for the Platinum Jubilee.
How to take care of your eyes... during a pandemic
We’re working from home, at risk of digital overload, wondering when to brave an eye test. Here’s our guide to taking care of your eyes during the pandemic.
How to choose prescription glasses
When you meet new people, your glasses are one of the first things they’ll notice. Here’s our how-to guide to choosing glasses and finding the perfect fit and style.